Plug Trays 84 Cells 2pcPlug Trays 84 Cells 2pc

Plug Trays 84 Cells 2pc

Our Ref No : 5405
Sorry, this product can only be bought in store.
£3.99 Availability: Out of stock for home delivery - Please contact your nearest store for in-store stock availability
(Pack contains 2 x 84 Cell Plug Trays)
Made from recycled and recyclable plastic,
Grow healthy plants from seed in your home or greenhouse. Grow like the professionals
Instructions for use:

Fill each cell with seed and cutting compost
Water well with a fine spray
Place seed(s) in each cell and cover with a layer of compost
Place in a bright position but not in direct sun light
Never allow compost to dry out, keep moist at all times
Size Check: 53cm (21”) Long 31cm (12.25”) Wide 5.5cm (2.25”) High

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